Breeding TO THE STANDARD for Health, Temperament, Fitness and Function
We welcome you to our Website STORMSETT COLLIES came about in 2011 when we purchased our first dog Badger from Pat Corben. Our names are Barb and Ray Glover, Barb kept and showed Rough Collies and Cavaliers in a previous life, in the late seventies onwards, but had to give them up in 1991 due to personal circumstances. After many years and many changes in her life, we came together.
Badger was originally purchased as a pet as Barb missed having her Rough Collies round her, but with persuasion from Pat she decided to get back showing him, and I became interested.
That was it we started showing and I thought a Tricolour would be nice, we both liked the Wicani kennel dogs, so we contacted Angela Harvey and put our names down for a tricolour bitch. and so the lovely girl Storm came into our lives.
After Ray retired in 2013 he bought himself a Smooth Collie, this is Indiana, from Marianne Benton, Oakestelle Collies. She is a wonderful addition to our family. We have spent many happy hours with our dogs at shows, and also camping in our caravan with them. We are now both retired, so we have all the time in the world for them.
We are keen to keep to the breed standard with our Dogs and believe that the Standard should never be compromised by fashion and fads of the time, these come and go, but a Standard by definition should be constant, we found that Angela at the Wicani Kennel was breeding true to the Standard and also was very eager to try and improve the health and gene pool of the Rough Collie, this was done by the import of NA Dogs that had been proved to be MDR1 Clear, and Clear for CEA (there appeared to be no UK lines that were not affected CEA). This has been a successful venture for Angela, one which we are personally very thankful for, and we believe in time her work; and others that are now doing a similar thing will prove to have been the salvation of the Traditional Rough Collie.
So we can now say we bring the Rough with the Smooth - All good organisations have a motto so have we!
This underpins our lives at Stormsett. The health and welfare of our dogs is paramount. Everything we do the dogs will always come first, second and third and if there is anything over it`s for the dogs.
We wanted to try and breed CEA Clear dogs that are not MDR affected,clear for DM and PRA its a big ask but can be done, we are passionate about this and if in our lifetime we can achieve a rough collie and a smooth collie being born CEA , MDR1 and DM clear, keeping to type and temperament we would feel satisfied we have done our bit for both breeds future.
We realise sometimes compromises are necessary and we do not judge others, this is just our aim. We believe our stewardship of these dogs is a privilege that is bestowed on us, and we must do all we can to help them.